Land Management System – ECHOES

The ECHOES project aimed to study the impact of climate change on bird habitats in the Irish Sea region, with a focus on mudflats and estuaries. 

Compass Informatics developed a Land Management solution which would help scientists better understand the effect of rising sea levels and salt-water incursion on migratory bird species such as the Eurasian Curlew and Greenland White-fronted Goose.

The ECHOES solution developed enables land managers, policymakers, and users to assess and mitigate the impact of climate change on coastal habitats and empowers stakeholders to develop evidence-based conservation strategies

The platform also incorporates workflow automation, collaboration features, and data integration to streamline processes and facilitate stakeholder engagement.

About The Government of Wales

The Government of Wales is the devolved administration responsible for governing Wales within the United Kingdom.

It shapes policies and initiatives in areas such as economic development, education, health, and the environment to benefit the people and economy of Wales.

The ECHO’s project was funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), an EU financial instrument that supports economic development and reduces regional disparities. 

Focusing on climate change impact on bird habitats around the Irish Sea, ECHOES received ERDF funding in order to address shared challenges and to drive regional development, tackle climate change, and protect biodiversity.

Project Requirement

As the core development partner in ECHOES, Compass Informatics was tasked with developing an online platform to assist land managers and policymakers in mitigating the impact of climate change on coastal bird habitats surrounding the Irish Sea.

The system developed by Compass Informatics fulfils a number of key requirements;

  • Lightweight Land Management Tool The ECHOE’s LMS platform would serve as a user-friendly tool for site management, allowing users to identify and execute interventions which promote resilience to climate change.
  • Satellite Data Access and AnalysisThe LMS system should provide access to Satellite Image data, enabling site managers and regional planners to assess the effects of climate change on habitats and make informed decisions.
  • Integration of Data Resources The platform should integrate various data resources, including species data, landscape data, climate change data, and meteorological data, for effective management and analysis.
  • Future Visualisation and Habitat AnalysisUsers should be able to visualise future scenarios, including habitat shifts, allowing for better understanding and planning.
  • Output PresentationThe system should present outputs such as animal tracking data, land use classification, habitat projections, and species probability, contributing to evidence-based decision-making.
  • Workflow and Data Quality Assurance The system should include a Workflow Tool to enable users to review and validate data, ensuring data accuracy and quality throughout its lifespan.
  • User-Friendly Interface The platform must offer an intuitive interface, enabling easy navigation, access to tools, and generation of reports.

Compass’ Solution – ECHOES

Compass Informatics delivered the ECHOES project and built an online platform to assist land managers and policymakers mitigate against the effects of climate change on the coastal habitats of the Eurasian Curlew and the Greenland White Fronted Goose. 

Compass developed a scalable and secure map portal using cloud infrastructure, enabling stakeholders to access and manage relevant geo-environmental data and tools remotely.

The platform included Earth Observation (EO) Data Processing for the analysis of large volumes of satellite imagery and sensor data, and facilitated the extraction of valuable information related to land cover and vegetation change over time.

By leveraging cloud technologies, including cloud infrastructure, data storage and integration, geospatial analysis, workflow automation, advanced analytics, and robust security measures, Compass Informatics delivered a technically advanced solution which allows for informed and collaborative decision-making and conservation efforts by all regional stakeholders.


Solution Benefit

Compass Informatics’ solution for the ECHOES project delivered a number of benefits to stakeholders;

  • Improved Understanding – The solution provides valuable insights into the impact of climate change on bird habitats, aiding in informed decision-making.
  • Effective Conservation Strategies – Stakeholders can formulate adaptive measures to mitigate climate change effects on coastal ecosystems in the Irish Sea.
  • Streamlined Data Management – The solution provided has simplified data storage, integration, and retrieval, of regional geo-environmental information.
  • Efficient Collaboration – Stakeholders can more easily share information and collaborate, enhancing teamwork and engagement.
  • Accessible Visualisation – Intuitive mapping and visualisation tools have enabled stakeholders to analyse complex spatial data effortlessly.

Scalability and Flexibility: The ECHO’s solution can accommodate growing data volumes and user demands, adapting to evolving project needs.

Solution Snapshot

ECHOES Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) Change Detection capability.


About TGI

Tracsis Geo Intelligence, a sister company of Compass Informatics, emerges with a sharpened focus on Earth Observation, Sustainability, and the UK Market.

Building upon the expertise and experience of Compass Informatics, Tracsis Geo Intelligence offers a comprehensive suite of geospatial solutions.

Compass Informatics is a leading provider of geospatial solutions, specialising in the application of GIS, IT, and mobile technologies across various sectors, including transportation, environment and natural resources.

Tracsis Geo Intelligence and Compass Informatics are both part of the Tracsis Group.

To learn more about this project, and how the solution provided may benefit your organisation, please contact our team at